The Loss of a Truly Great Greenwich Resident and Friend

Here is a post from one of our members, Amy Dixon, honoring the memory of another one of our members, Carol Kana. We are deeply saddened by Carol’s passing and all of us at the Y will miss her

– Ed Philipp



I’m on vacation in sunny Rhode Island, preparing for another glorious beach-filled day of swimming and children and laughter.  Exactly 14 months ago, my friend Carol Kana re-introduced me to the sport I had grown up loving so much through her membership and relationships at the local YMCA.  You see, Carol had Polio as a child, rendering her legs poorly developed and had been confined to braces and a scooter during her adult life.  

You may think this tragic, but she not only thumbed her nose at her disability, she darn-well gave it the middle finger.  Carol’s toughness stemmed from her can-do attitude and former career as a probation/ corrections officer.  Her way of feeling ‘whole’ and able-bodied was to help those that were physically challenged around her to also be successful and live a full life like hers.  I was fortunate enough to be on the receiving end…

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